A magical and unique space.

You + Camille for your expansion.

The choice of proximity for rapid expansion and unlimited abundance.

Private access to Camille with personalized mentorship.

For those who want it all (success, impact, wealth, fun, time and freedom), without concessions or conditions.

Our growth is always bigger, faster and easier when we are alongside mentors who listen to us and really understand us, with whom we can have high-level discussions.

When we are alongside those who are where we want to be, who have accomplished what we want to accomplish, who guide and advise us, we enter in a new space of infinite expansion.

Living a one to one with a mentor is above all accessing a person who is THERE FOR US, who supports us, who has already gone through failures and successes before us. It’s being next to a person who is able to help us accomplish all our desires.

It’s giving yourself the opportunity to experience the transformation that can change everything.

I guide those who are ready…

Ready to change their thought patterns and beliefs.

Ready to get out of their comfort zone and go beyond fears.

Ready to let go of whatever is holding them back.

Ready to reveal themselves and drop their mask.

Ready to assume their dreams and their gifts.

Ready to shine with all their power.

Ready to look inside, sometimes where it hurts.

Ready to embody their next level.

Ready to modify and optimize their strategies, systems and business ecosystem.


Become the most magnetic person in their industry.

Be an inspiring and inspired leader, connected to their personal power.

Make a difference in their lives and in the world.

Impact more people without sacrificing herself.

Grow even more personally and spiritually.

Transforms their business and their lives.

Camille Béclin - Métamorphose - Noir et blanc

We don’t become the person we dream of being by doing the same actions
and having the same thought pattern!

Icône métamorphose dorée
Camille Béclin - Accompagnement individuel métamorphose

Metamorphose is a one-to-one High Level Mentoring.

For 4, 6 or 12 months, Camille will be your most powerful pillar. You will form a duo to create extraordinary expansion and attract more abundance into your life and business.

This support is 100% personalized. It is designed according to your needs, your problems, your goals and your desires.

The first session will be a big session dedicated to creating the perfect mentoring for you, with a transformative process.

It is an intensely transformative experience to grow your contribution to the world and to increase abundance in your online coaching business. All your inner blocks will be transmuted, your strategies will be so much more magnetic and effective. You will connect to your personal power and become a true leader, to be the one we want to work with.

Camille welcomes an average of 7 womens per year in her 1:1 mentoring “Metamorphose”. This allows her to provide an extremely high quality follow-up to all her clients and ensure an irreversible transformation.

This one to one is only for ambitious and talented women, really ready to reveal themselves and transform their lives and their business definitively.

Metamorphose is suitable for entrepreneur who want: 


100% personalized support combining magnetic strategies and inner work (healing, energetic…)


Free themselves from their inner blocks to grow their personal power and being a magnetic leader


Develop a positive impactful business to grow their contribution to the world, without working hard


Increase abundance in their business with more income, pleasure, freedom and time


Develop digital magnetic strategies aligned with them (business model, offers, online marketing & communication, online sales, etc.)

Here’s concretely what will you get with this one to one mentoring: 

Icône métamorphose dorée

Powerful conversations around strategy and mindset that will change your vision of life and business.

Icône métamorphose dorée

Energetic activations that will make you become the match for all your desires. Abundance is already there, are you ready to multiply it in all spheres of your life?

Icône métamorphose dorée

Moments of high transformation to reprogram your subconscious and free yourself from your inner blocks.

Icône métamorphose dorée

New unique, magnetic strategies, for more serenity, clarity, and results.

Icône métamorphose dorée

A new powerful mindset. You will finally be connected to your inner power to multiply your leadership and your magnetism.

My approach is based on a thorough knowledge of the online coaching industry coupled with strong digital expertises (social networks, digital marketing and online sales) and human understanding.

So that my clients can increase their level of consciousness and connect to their personal power to become a magnetic leader, I share with them my vision of life and business. I talk about my own lessons and triggers (personal and business) and all the things that allow me to live my dream life and have an abundant and impactful business for several years (despite the problems of life, illness, a burn-out, the trauma of a sexual rape, etc.).

In my approach I combine the strategic and operational aspects to the mindset and energy spheres, using my own experiences, my knowledge and skills, different coaching methods and several tools to reprogram the subconscious and free yourself from your inner blocks.

Also guided by my psychic abilities and my intuition, I can know what is blocking inside and outside of you. I channel information that allows you to open up the field of possibilities and to bring the most accurate lines of thought for you.

I also have this gift to activate your Feminine Empowerment side, this power that resides in you as well as to activate abundance in all areas of your life, which makes our exchanges always very powerful and transformative conversations.


Camille Béclin - Coaching one to one
camille bcn

This personalized and high-level mentoring is 100% personalized to you to do an excellent work and create a remarkable transformation both for your company and for you.

By understanding your business issues, your inner blocks and your desires, I will create with you a plan like a “process” or a “worksheet” so that you experience the most incredible transformation for you, by following precise and essential steps.

As we mentoring you, your strategies will be clear and magnetic to attract your soulmate customers online. You will connect more to your personal power to become an inspiring leader with who we want to work. Your contribution to the world will be greater and greater and the abundance in your business will be multiplied. You will increase your income, without working hard. You will normalize abundance in your life and business. This in serenity, alignment and pleasure.

To guarantee an intense transformation for my 1:1 clients, places are limited to 7-8 women per year.

I pay particular attention to who can join Metamorphose, which is my only individual mentorship.

This one to one is on application to be sure that the match will be perfect between us and that you will experience the greatest possible transformation. I ask my clients for sincere involvement and deep commitment in their transformation process. If you feel the call, I invite you to apply. I will contact you to offer you a clarification discussion during which we can validate your application and begin this journey together.

What they say about Camille:

Tu es super pro, bosseuse, très bienveillante et tu sais comment mettre à l'aise. Tu trouves toujours les bons mots pour me rassurer dans les moments de doute. Tu as une énorme expertise dans ton domaine. On voit vraiment que tu maitrises ton sujet et que tu sais de quoi tu parles ! Grâce à toi, je suis passée de 0 à 10 000€ par mois c'est juste incroyable. Tu as aussi su m'aider à dépasser certaines peurs et me rassurer, je passe sans arrêt à l'action car tout ce qu'on a créé ensemble c'est totalement aligné.

Sabrina de @lenvol.coaching

Tu es une femme inspirante et une super mentore, merci pour tout j'ai tellement de chance de t'avoir comme mentore. C'est le plus bel investissement que j'ai pu faire. Ton coaching a tout boulversé dans ma vie... Ton coaching m'a changé en tant que femme mais aussi en tant que business women... J'ai pris des décisions que je n'aurai jamais osé prendre avant, mon entreprise évolue, et je me sens transformée.

Ludmilla de @ltdesignarchitecture

Camille, tu es magique... Avec seulement une session avec toi je vois déjà de gros changements c'est fou. Le travail avec toi est toujours au top et qualitatif tu me procure une énergie de dingue mille merci ! Tu as changé ma vie même sans communiquer avec toi, je sais que tu es là et ça me donne un boost incroyable !

Sandrine de @madiketo_

Tu es tellement passionée par ton métier, le mindset, le business, le marketing... Je suis assez impressionnée par la passion que tu as pour ton travail. Je voulais simplement te dire que tu fais un boulot fantastique. Quand on t'écoute, on sent que tu es habitée, on sent que tu vis réellement tes paroles et que tu aimes ce que tu fais.

Reyhana de @reyhana.tmb

Tu es la personne la plus formidable que j'ai rencontré. Tu es le guide qui montre le bon chemin, avec bienveillance. Tu sais comment me faire sortir de ma zone de confort, vaincre mes peurs et créer les bonnes stratégies. Tu es d'un soutien infallible, tu m'as montré que tout était possible et tu m'as permis de trouver les solutions par moi-même, je ne te remercierait jamais assez sans toi je ne serai pas là !

Céline de @acielouvert

Tu es ma référence dans l'accompagnement. Tu m'apportes tout ce dont j'ai besoin en termes de stratégie, de mindset et de positionnement. L'énergie que tu dégages est incroyable et j'espère pouvoir te ressembler dans quelques années.

Coline de @coline.janssone

Ohlala, tu es tellement inspirante tu n'imagines pas à quel point. Je suis tellement heureuse de travailler avec toi, que tu sois ma mentore. Tu mets mon cerveau en fusion perpétuelle ou presque. Et j'adore ça ! Avec ton écoute, ta bienveillance, tu as débloqué des points que je ne voyais pas, tu sais trouver les détails qui font toute la différence. Merci de tout ce que tu transmets et partage. C'est du full value, high level méga plus plus. Ca veut rien dire mais c'est pas grave !

Dominique de @dominique_octave

Camille, tu es une vraie mentor business, tu es une vraie source d'inspiration grâce à ton énergie, tes paroles et ton expertise. Merci encore pour tes précieux conseils business et mindset qui sont toujours très justes et puissants !

Mathilde de @labelle_etoile

Merci Camille pour tout ce que tu m'as permis de créer. Tu prends ton rôle de coach vraiment à coeur et tu donnes toujours le meilleur pour la réussite de tes clientes. C'est vraiment extraordinaire d'avoir quelqu'un comme toi à ses côtés. Grâce à tes conseils toujours bienveillants et ton énergie j'ai pu sortir de ma zone de confort, passer à l'action et dépasser mes peurs pour signer des clients.

Johanna de @johanna_messegue

Quand je pense à toi, je ne peux m'arrêter de sourire ! Un énorme merci pour tout ce que tu m'apportes, tes mots gentils et tellement encourageants, tu as un don pour booster les gens et les comprendre, avec ta force, ta façon de voir les choses et ton propre exemple. J'ai beaucoup de chance de t'avoir comme coach, merci à toi pour tout ce que tu apportes au monde !

Esther de @labulleatelier

Entre stratégie, soin, énergie, j'ai tout ce dont j'ai besoin dans ton univers. Tu apportes énormément à ma vie depuis que je t'ai rencontré, l'impact que tu as sur moi est énorme, tu es vraiment une femme d'exception et extraordinaire. Ma rencontre avec toi cette année est une révélation, tu es une femme puissante et inspirante !

Clara de

Camille est exceptionnelle. Je n’ai jamais vu quelqu’un d’aussi passionnée qu’elle. Elle est extrêmement bienveillante et attentionnée. Tout ce qu’elle nous offre est incroyable. C’est une réelle chance de la connaitre, c’est vraiment LA personne avec qui travailler.

Céline de @acielouvertcb

Discover Camille

Camille Limitless Money

Limitless Mentor & Abundance Activator

I’m Camille Chloé Béclin, CEO of Femme Limitless, a High-Performance Coaching Brand & Podcast.

I’m devoted to empowering conscious women, leaders, and limitless queens to fully embody their most Limitless Identity and manifest Limitless Abundance.

I like to introduce myself as an Abundance Activator and Limitless Mentor because that’s where my true power lies.

This is my gift to you… This is my gift to the world.

In June 2024, I made the bold decision to pivot my business from French to English…

After transforming the lives of over 1,000 women with my Limitless Method (a profound and unique approach combining Limitless Identity Embodiment and Magnetic Strategy)

I’m now expanding to touch even more lives worldwide.

Because my gift isn’t just for French speakers… It’s for all women worldwide who are meant to experience it, in both French and English.

Femme Limitless, my method, my approach…

Is not typical coaching, mentoring, energy healing, or activation.

It is a deep transformation that has empowered women since 2019, an extension of my gifts, talents, and medicine, an extension of my own life story, an extension of myself…

For you.
For us.

For all women ready to heal deeply, for all women ready to experience an inner shift,
For all women ready to break free from their inner barriers (psychological, emotional, energetic, and subconscious),
For all women ready to embody the most limitless version of themselves, to claim their Limitless Queen inside of them,
For all women ready to manifest Limitless Abundance in a Soul Limitless Business, aligning their true selves with their entrepreneurial journey.

Welcome to Femme Limitless world.

I’m so grateful you’re here.

Limitless love,